Ways To Give

The SLO Symphony’s Programs Would Not Be Possible Without Your Support! 

One Time Gifts
Make your individual gift online, by phone or mail: 

Call : 805-356-1438
Send Mail To : 75 Higuera St Suite 160 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Give to an Endowment
Your gift to our endowments at the SLO Community Foundation leaves a lasting legacy. Contact the Community Foundation at 805-543-2323 and let them know you would like to give to the SLO Symphony Endowment. The Community Foundation will also accept gifts of stock for our endowments. 

Monthly Giving
Your recurring donation helps sustain the SLO Symphony:

Individuals and companies alike benefit from sponsoring an event, musician or a program.


Donor Advised Funds
A gift from your donor advised fund helps to advance the Sympony’s mission. Ask your fund manager to include your name and address on the distribution so that we may also thank you directly.

Planned Giving
Leave a legacy of music by joining our Virtuoso Society. 


Stock Gifts

Transfer your gift into our designated brokerage account. Contact us at (805) 543-3533 for more information.

John Baer Music Education Fund
After retiring from his career as an airline pilot for United Airlines, John Baer devoted much of his time as a volunteer and donor to support the arts community. He was especially active for the SLO Symphony through the Music Van Instrument Petting Zoo presentations which bring instruments to children throughout San Luis Obispo County. The Instrument Petting Zoo is often a child’s first opportunity to hold and play a real instrument and sparks an interest in learning music in a powerful way. John was instrumental in obtaining the van itself and cared deeply about the mission of sharing music with the students in our community. 

Gifts to the John Baer Music Education Fund are inspired by John’s commitment to classical music education for children. These funds will directly support youth in the SLO Symphony’s music education programs, remove barriers for student participation, and get instruments in more children’s hands, supporting classical music education for years to come. We invite you to contribute to the fund to honor John’s legacy.

john Baer Music Education fund